Effect of Music

Many therapists recommend their clients to listen to happy music to elevate their mood. It is a known fact that music has an influence on our mood but recently it can be seen that music influences much more than just mood. It also affects the mental health and actions of certain people.

A few decades ago the number of prisoners rose in the United States and it was around the time when the artists were rapping a lot about robbing banks and stealing cars. Now the artists are writing about popping pills, sex and suicide. Is there a possibility that music is playing a role in the increased rate of drug use and suicide in the youth? Yes.

One of my friends from Russia told me that the Russian government bans the song that talk about suicide or other harmful subjects. Is that a solution? It doesn't stop the people to look up these songs on proxy websites. This makes them even more curious. What can be the possible solution for such a problem?

Minds of children are more receptive as compared to adults so if 12 years old children start to listen to songs about sex, drugs and alcohol it might make them curious and have a negative influence on them.


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