Stop telling People what to Post

In Chapter 10 of “The Art of Social Media” Guy Kawasaki talks about the ways one can avoid looking clueless on social media. One of the ways he talked about was how one should not tell other people what to post. While reading the explanation I could clearly see how being clueless goes hand in hand with cyber bullying.

It might seem like a stretch but telling people to post content of your liking when you are not paying them to write and leaving hate notes, that you might think of as positive criticism, in their comments section is pretty much bullying a creator online unless they asked for advice on how to improve. It is important to understand that just like all humans are different so will the content and art they create. Their platforms have reflection of their persona, interests and skills. It is unfair for us to demand someone to create content of your preference just as it is unfair to ask someone to change themselves for you.

Simply put, if you do not like someone’s blog or the content that they are sharing you can ignore them. Instead of starting an argument or presenting someone with unwanted advice or even hate at times you can choose to be more professional and mature by minding your own business and focusing on your own self. It is very often that we associate haters and know-it-alls to be ignorant to other people’s point of views and if you want your blog or business to flourish you need to refrain from looking ignorant, or even worse, clueless.

Picture Credits: thoughtcatalogue


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