Role of Social Media in Music Industry| Podcast

I invited my roommate to be a guest on my podcast. She is a musician herself and is currently taking two online social media classes. We wanted to talk about how the old form of media like television is being replaced by the new form of media like different social media platforms.

We did that by comparing different artists of different era. Jonas Brothers being the part of new media era and The Backstreet Boys being from the era of old media. Both boy bands recently had a reunion, and both went on tour but why were only Jonas Brothers able to redeem their prior success. We have always known Backstreet Boys as legends but why return of the legends wasn't celebrated enough. Here social media comes into play, the fans of Jonas Brothers are relatively younger and are active on social media, so they took advantage of that. There were a lot of advertisement, promotion, events and trailers for their documentary and Album. Whereas there wasn’t enough promotion for the Backstreet Boys because most of their fandom isn’t as socially active on different social media platforms like the youngsters of today.

All the sources that we used are mentioned below:

Why the Jonas Brothers’ comeback is working?

Why Backstreet Boys and Jonas Brothers comeback will never be like before?

The Grown-ass Jonas Brothers Are Somehow Poised to Be Bigger Than Ever:

Jonas Brothers, Backstreet Boys: a boy band for each generation:


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