Farewell Little Blue Book

We have finally finished the book “The Art of Social Media” that we used to call little blue book in our class. Now our syllabus includes the book “Social Media for Strategic Communication” that is written by Karen Freberg. Reading this book is much more of a learning experience than the little blue book because it talks about the social media principles in-depth.

In Chapter 2, Freberg talks about social media ethics. Social media has become such a common part of our life that we don’t realize that there are ethics and principles that we have to follow in order to use social media platforms appropriately. We often post a picture, share a post and like a comment without even thinking about it. Freberg focuses on the ethical way of using social media especially while using it for business. In order to stress on its importance, she uses the term sinning to refer to being unethical on social media. Because she thinks it’s blasphemous to be unaware and disrespectful to the laws of media. One wrong post can completely destroy the whole business.

This post really made me realize the importance of being careful about what I post on social media because one is unable to predict the way someone else’s mind makes sense of one’s post. Hence, it is important to remain clear and ethical.


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